5. Образуйте отрицательные и вопросительные предложения.


1. My sister’s name is Galina.

2. Mary is an English teacher.

3. I have a younger brother.

4. My friend has a car.

5. John is my sister’s husband.

6. They are married.

7. My grandchildren have a good flat.

8. Her son is a manager.

9. His wife is from Moscow.

10. She has a crocodile.


1. Is your sisters name Galina?

My sisters name is not Galina.

2. Is Mary an English teacher?

Mary is not an English teacher?

3. Have you got a younger brother?

I dont have a younger brother

4. Has your friend a car?

My friend doesnt have a car.

5. Is John your sisters husband?

John isnt my sisters husband

6. Are they married?

They arent married.

7Have you grandchild a good flat?

My grandchild havent a good flat.

8. Is her son a manager?

Her son isnt a manager.

9.Is his wife from Moscow?

His wife isnt from Companys

10.Has she got a crocodile?

She hasnt a crocodile.