помогите с заданием пожалуйста.. Put the verbs into the negative or interrogative form:


1. Den studies at the University. 2. They usually buy newspapers in the morning. 3. The teacher asks many questions. 4. He entered the Law faculty. 5. My friend saw an interesting film yesterday. 6. They got to the country by bus. 7. Nick will work as a teacher. 8. We shall make coffee for him. 9. Her cousin will go abroad next week?


Den doesnt study at the University. 

Do they usually buy newspapers in the morning?

Does the teacher ask many questions?

He didnt enter the Law faculty.

Did my friend see an interesting film yesterday?

They didnt get to the country by bus.

Will Nick work as a teacher?

Shall we make coffee for him?

Her cousin wont go abroad next week