Write an essay about your goals for the future (написать эссе о своих целях на будущее). Как можно быстрей, пожалуйстааааа


Write an essay about your goals for the future (написать эссе о своих целях на будущее). Как можно быстрей, пожалуйстааааа


at the moment the main goal for me is the right career choice. my professionin the future I want to become an economist.

 This profession is very demanding, it takes a long time. More in this profession very much to wish for miscalculations know exchange rates! If this contact is necessary to work very fast to read and know perfectly matematiku.eta work inspires me and so Ill work in the future it is there.

It`s time for me to choose my future profession. This is not an easy task for everyone, because all our life will depend on our dessigion.

After leaving school people can go further theit education, enter an institute or a college to provide their high level of knowledge and prestigious post. Other starts their career to get necessary experience or just earn some money for their intentions. As for me I`m going to learn few languages and travel all around the world. I choose this because I don`t quite know what kind of job I wanna have, but it seems to me that languages will help in any professions and way of life. Maybe I could stay in one of the countries I used to visit and began new exiting life. As for plans..I don`t have any plan, I don`t like planning at all, but I have a wishes and I will try to make them come true.