Complete the sentences using the right word 1) a lot of people prefer to … a flet instead of buying their own. 2)tea and coffe was … by the hotel,


so we did not have to go down to the restaurant 3)there was no bathroom, which was a big disadvantage. We wont stay in that hotel again. 4)all kinds of in the Crimea get a lot more expensive in summer. 5)he found a job in another city and his house for two years 6)Jane can a holiday. She has been working day and night all these years. 7)ann is in difficult situation. She will have to borrow money to pay all her . 8) dont the student for losing the book. It has been found and returned


1) a lot of people prefer to to rent  a flat instead of buying their own.

2)tea and coffee was offered to us by the hotel, so we did not have to go down to the restaurant

3)there was no good bathroom, which was a big disadvantage. We wont stay in that hotel again.

4)all kinds of fun  in the Crimea get a lot more expensive in summer.

5)he found a job in another city and left his house for two years

6)Jane can take a holiday. She has been working day and night all these years.

7)ann is in difficult situation. She will have to borrow money to pay all her debts.

8) dont blame the student for losing the book. It has been found and returned