Раскрыть скобки с инфинитивом или герундием, вот в этих предложениях затруднения!


1. Did you remember ______ (book) seats for the cinema tomorrow?

Make infinitives (add to) or (add ing) of the verbs in brackets to make the following sentences grammatically correct.



1. Did you remember booking seats for the cinema tomorrow?

2. Нe made me doing the same things.

3. She said the letter was personal and wouldnt let reading it.

1. Вы не забыли забронировать места для кино завтра?

2. Он нe заставил меня делать то же самое.

3. Она сказала, что письмо было личным и не позволила бы читать.

1. Did you remember to book seats for the cinema tomorrow?

Нe made me do the same things.

She said the letter was personal and wouldnt let reading it