Complete the questions


we didnt meet on Sanday, .?

The pupils are seldom late, ..?

we can sing English songs, .?

they never play on the floor,..7

there is no bookcase near the wall, .?

therewere plants is that classroom last year, ..?

pupils dont often laugh at maths, .?

we shall study art next year, .?

помогите сижу второй час пыжусь!!!!


1)после запятой  did we?

2) после запятой arent they?

3) после запятой cant we?(cant с аппострофом , как вверху)

4) после запятой do they?

5) после запятой is there?

6) после запятой werent they?

7) после запятой do they?


после запятой shant we?