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у меня есть папа и мама они средних лет.у мамы есть мама и папа моя бабушка и дедушка.для моей мамы папина мама свекровь а папин отец свекор. для папы мамина мама теща а отец тесть.


I have a mom and dad they have medium let.Ya mom mom and dad, my grandmother and my mothers fathers dedushka.dlya mother-in-law and father-in-law Papa. for dad mothers mother-in-law and mother-in-laws father.

I have got father and mother,they are middle years. My mum has got,a mum and dad,they are my grandfather and grandmother. For my mum,fathers mum is mother in law, fathers dad is father in law. For my dad,mothers mum is the mother-in-law, dad is father in law.