Сделайте, пожалуйста, задание №1 во вложениях. Здесь нужно написать жалобу на того человека, который хочет на месте детсада построить торговый центр.

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Буквы с цифрами соединять не надо. Просто напишите жалобу в официальном стиле.


Dear Sir,

I am

writing to complain about the authorities’ decision to build a shopping arcade

near the town’s day-care centre. I strongly disagree with this decision.


surrounding park is far from city centre so it is a quite area. If a shopping

arcade will be built there will be a significant rise in the number of car accidents.

Cars will pollute the air we are breathing. What is more, there will be piles

of litter nearby the day-care centre, which will be very harmful to children.

There is an

opinion that the shopping arcade should be built. I disapprove this decision

because financial benefits should not be the only criterion of making such

decision. Moreover, the long term consequences of building the shopping arcade

are more damaging.

I would

appreciate it if you consulted local residents before making the decision.

 I look

forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

[инициалы и фамилия (пример: N. J. Jones)]