Умоляю помогиите!


Напиши мис Чэттер письмо.Сообщи,когдаНапиши мис Чэттер письмо.Сообщи,когда собираешся приехать,и расспроси её о ферме,о комнате,в которой тебя поселят,о предстоящем отдыхе.Задай не менее пяти вопросов.


Dear mrs Chatter,

Thank you for your invitation. It would be very lovely for me to spend the rest of this week at that farm of yours. Im going to come on this Wednesday, is it ok to you?

But, before I come to yours, I want to know some facts about accommodation and your farm in general.

Firstly, what about the room I will be living in?

Is it big or small?

Is it on ground floor or upstairs?

Secondly, the weather. I heard its a bit windy at yours, isnt it?

Thirdly, I am going to shop before leaving, do you need something?

Sorry, times up, I need to go.

Hope to get your answer as soon as possible,

Best wishes, Jane Sufford(имя можно изменить)